Esme can’t understand why Ryan and Heather dragged her into their deadly escape, but on the Tuesday, Feb. 21 episode of “General Hospital,” Esme may be forced to trust Ryan to deliver her baby.
In the ABC promo video, Ryan (Jon Lindstrom) tells Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) that he is the best chance for her and her baby. “GH” spoilers reveal Esme goes into labor.
Since Esme is still suffering from amnesia, she is terrified by Ryan and Heather’s (Alley Mills) actions and is desperate to get away from them. However, the decision to take off into the woods will cause Esme to go into labor.
Viewers are aware that Ryan was a doctor before he became a serial killer and has the medical training that can assist with childbirth. Will Ryan have to deliver Esme’s baby in the middle of the woods, or will the police find them in time to get Esme to the hospital?
Elsewhere in the promo video for the ABC soap opera, Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) tells someone that there is a lot of breaking news. “General Hospital” spoilers say Alexis briefs Spencer (Nicholas Chavez) and Trina (Tabyana Ali).
In the previous episode, Alexis learned about Ryan, Esme, and Heather’s escape from Spring Ridge. Alexis and Gregory (Gregory Harrison) wondered why Ryan and Heather would want to escape with Esme.
Alexis then looked over a letter from the Hook Killer and realized the culprit had to care about Esme. It appears Alexis will figure out that Esme is related to the Hook Killer and warn Spencer and Trina about the escape.
Since Esme was jealous of Trina, and the Hook Killer targeted those closest to Trina, Alexis will send a warning. Will Alexis figure out Heather is Esme’s mother and the Hook Killer?
Other “GH” spoilers tease Heather makes a shocking move, Felicia (Kristina Wagner) tends to an injured friend, Curtis (Donnell Turner) confides in Marshall (Robert Gossett), and Ava (Maura West) hears a stunning confession.
“General Hospital” airs on weekdays at 3 p.m. ET on ABC.
ABC/Christine Bartolucci