Rufus Wright, CEO and Founder of Crypto Caverns is providing reliable crypto mining services that are at the forefront of making the industry trustworthy.
The crypto mining industry has become ripe with scam and malpractice coming from companies who are looking to make large amounts of money as fast as possible, without any regard to the customers and investors that they are supposed to serve. According to Mr. Wright many crypto mining services treat their clients and investors horribly, and they get away with it because there is a lack of technical understanding regarding crypto mining, which leads to poor due diligence. Mr. Wright says the corruption in the industry comes from the constant disruption which has caused crypto mining companies to abandon their morals and seek out high profits at the expense of consumers.
Rufus Wright
Large disruptions in the crypto mining industry, like the banning of the practice in China and the war in Ukraine, have left many agencies scrambling to figure out how to continue operations because they hadn’t planned for such an event. However, thanks to Mr. Wright’s experience as a risk management officer he was well prepared for major disruptions such as these. His preparation and experience has enabled him to lead the way in operating a trusted platform for crypto mining.
The introduction of crypto created the first connection between the real world and the virtual world through crypto mining. Mr. Wright believes that this ability to connect is the biggest application that crypto has introduced. This has unlocked huge potential for the building out and utilization of hardware and infrastructure on a global scale. Mr. Wright aims to introduce honest business practices and the rule of law into the crypto mining industry.
Mr. Wright was awarded a scholarship to one of the top universities in China, he gained his Master’s degree before he began work as the chief risk management officer at a private equity firm focused on the energy sector. After gaining a vast amount of knowledge within the emerging markets, energy sector, Mr. Wright made the move back to the United States where he started Crypto Cavern. Under Crypto Cavern he opened four crypto mining facilities in China and two in Kazakhstan. After the banning of crypto mining in China and disruptions in Kazakhstan he moved his operations to the United States. Now, Mr. Wright is expanding his Crypto Caverns to promote sustainable growth throughout the crypto mining industry.
Crypto Cavens was the first crypto mining company to ever be accredited by the Better Business Bureau and is currently, one of the only two to be accredited. They have achieved this accreditation by being a trusted player in the crypto mining industry and have maintained their rating by providing high quality customer service. The reason they sought out the accreditation is to highlight their customer dedication and promote the sustainable growth of the industry. The firm is bringing legitimacy to crypto mining and trying to move the industry as a whole away from hidden fees, abusive business practices, and scammers. Mr. Wright says he truly cares for his customers and wants to provide them with a safe experience.
Mr. Wright founded Crypto Caverns because he was interested in investing in crypto, but he couldn’t find a reliable mining firm. He saw the opportunity to start his own firm and provide a trusted service that was lacking in the crypto mining sector. Mr. Wright provides both his customers and investors with a focused long-term approach to crypto mining. With the success of Crypto Caverns, Mr. Wright is seeking to expand into AI and other distributed computing services. In the next five years he aims to have a network of locations across North America that contribute to sustainability and rely on green energy. He believes that the future is for AI to be integrated with crypto in a way that enables AI hardware to be paid for using crypto currency.
“I believe in the power of crypto currencies and I want people to know that Crypto Caverns is a safe place for crypto mining, we truly care about helping our customers and we want to provide a model for how the whole industry should operate,” says Mr. Wright. “I created Crypto Caverns to be long lasting, and something that I can use to expand into more industries that can be integrated into crypto. I believe in the sustainability and future of this industry but it has become too susceptible to scammers and companies who are just looking to make a quick buck. That is what we are looking to change.”