Sushmita Sen effortlessly blends tradition and fashion with her ethnic style. The diva attended Notunpalli Sarbojonin Durgostab in Mumbai last night with her daughters Renee and Alisah. Celebrating Saptami, Sushmita even enthralled the crowd with her Dhunuchi dance. For this special occasion, Sushmita picked a Bandhani saree that was an absolute showstopper. The white and orange prints on a Barbie pink base were a sight to behold. The gota patti borders added that extra dose of festivity to her look. Her rani pink blouse, featuring a deep front and back neckline with a chic tie-knot pattern at the back, brought a touch of glamour to the ensemble. To keep things elegant, Sushmita pulled her hair into a ponytail. Traditional earrings and kangans were the perfect companions to complement the ethnic theme. Her soft pink makeup sealed the deal on this flawless festive look.
Following in her mother’s footsteps, Sushmita Sen’s daughter Renee recreated her mother’s iconic on-screen character, Miss Chandni from Main Hoon Na. Dressed in a ravishing red chiffon saree paired with a daring backless blouse, Renee shared a special video on her Instagram profile. In her caption, she wrote “Manifesting playing the younger version of Miss. Chandni.” We absolutely loved Renee’s traditional avatar.
Also Read: Traditional With A Modern Twist Reads Kajol’s Desi Barbie Saree Style For “1st Day Of Pujo“
Sushmita Sen’s saree always impresses desi fashion enthusiasts. Earlier, she wowed us with another saree look. She sported a green saree that was as radiant as her personality. The net drape featured gold embroidery on the borders. To pair it up, the star opted for a green and golden half-sleeved blouse that took her style game to new heights. To amp up the traditional quotient, Sushmita adorned herself with a dazzling Kundan necklace and elegant kangans. Her soft and subtle glam and sleek straight hair served as a masterclass in the art of festive fashion.
Sushmita Sen knows how to make every saree moment a spectacular one.
Also Read: The Magic Of Alia Bhatt’s Silver Vaishali S Saree Was All In The Floral Handcrafted Saree Blouse