Dylan Ehler disappeared in Truro, Nova Scotia, almost four years ago. His parents have struggled to convince people to care
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Three-year-old Dylan Ehler had been missing for almost a year when a small group gathered on the bank of the Salmon River near downtown Truro, Nova Scotia, to continue the search for him.
It was a bright, crisp, Saturday morning in mid-April 2021. Almost every Saturday since Dylan’s disappearance, his parents, Jason Ehler and Ashley Brown, had organized diminishing groups of volunteers. The meeting point was the Tim Hortons Soccer Pitch next to the river. Many presumed Dylan had fallen into Lepper Brook and then was carried into the faster moving river, which flows into Cobequid Bay and eventually the Bay of Fundy.
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A small group of people — some wearing thick plaid quilted jackets to guard against the spring chill, several holding oversize cups of Tim Hortons coffee — stood around watching Jason try to get a drone off the ground. It was donated by Wings of Mercy, an organization that provides support to the families of missing people. The drone has the capacity to take pictures and video — for example, a missing child’s jacket tangled in thick brush. Jason sent the vast landscape scenes he captured back to Wings of Mercy for analysis.
As Ashley approached, a woman who looked to be in her 40s and wearing a neon construction vest, made a beeline for her. “I think someone took your kid,” she stage-whispered in Ashley’s direction. “Look for any pedophiles in the family and never turn your back on them.” Ashley received the suggestion politely, and then excused herself to join the rest of the group.
Other than Ashley’s dad, Norman Brown, who headed off to explore the river’s banks, no one appeared to be doing much searching. Turning a full circle, the location was a panoply of open fields, dry brush and that moderately moving river. It felt impossible to know where to start, other than somewhere near the water.
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These sparsely attended Saturday searches underscore the maddening futility of the months — and now years — spent searching for Dylan that have so far yielded zero clues and no real developments. When asked on that April morning almost three years ago what they would do with unlimited resources, Jason said he would get a boat with side sonar, bring in cadaver dogs, and hire private search and rescue teams. Jason and Ashley, both in their 30s, briefly engaged a private investigator but soon ran out of cash.

As a Halifax-based journalist, I have followed this tragic story since the day Dylan disappeared on May 5, 2020. I have attended searches and marches organized by Ashley and Jason. I have asked them to recount painful minutiae about Dylan and to explain how they’ve survived grappling through the darkness. They needed to keep talking about Dylan, to keep a focus on his case. Any interest in their story is a small, desperate sliver of hope amid confusion, grief and anger. With waning public and police interest, Jason and Ashley had become Dylan’s sole advocates.
Through the spring, summer, autumn and winter of each passing year, they sent me regular updates as they organized search parties, challenged the police to do more, fought off their detractors and taped posters with Dylan’s face on lampposts. Jason and Ashley don’t have much choice but to plow ahead. Not only is Dylan still missing, but his parents have struggled to convince people to care.
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Matthew Nopper, cofounder of Please Bring Me Home, an organization that solicits tips involving cold case missing persons across Canada, said that missing people disappear twice: “Once when they initially vanish, and the second time when the public forgets about them.”
In addition to the battle against public malaise, Jason and Ashley have felt forced to prove that they deserve to find their missing kid. That they aren’t just the kind of people this sort of thing happens to. On Jason and Ashley’s social media, the public would soon learn there are none of the trappings of Instagram-beautiful, middle-class homemaking or parenting. Instead, Jason and Ashley’s life showcased financial struggle and underemployment on the outskirts of a former industrial town.
Since Dylan’s disappearance, the sadness, frustration and indignities have piled up: their relationship breakdown, chronic troubles with police, and the overwhelming sense that things might have gone differently if their personal circumstances were more appealing. They’ve been attacked by strangers and acquaintances, been forced to sever ties with family members.
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“People were picking apart what they were wearing, their facial expressions,” said Alison Harris, a lawyer hired by Jason and Ashley. “Maybe things would have been different if they were a more picture-perfect family.”

Dylan would be nearly seven years old today. The solid and ruddy-cheeked child, a toddler really, was spending the spring day he disappeared at Ashley’s mother’s house on Elizabeth Street in Truro, a quiet dead end lined mostly with well-spaced bungalows. Dorothy Parsons told police that she and Dylan had been in the backyard when she turned away briefly to tie her dog’s leash to a metal post. When she turned back, he was gone.
It happened at about 1 pm in the afternoon, and police were called by a neighbour, who heard Dorothy screaming. Truro police, the station just blocks away, arrived in under five minutes.
Ashley was visiting with a friend that day, and she didn’t have a working phone; Jason had smashed it days before in an early morning fight that escalated with an intensity that surprised them both. Ashley and Jason were charged in the incident; the charges were dropped when they agreed to attend counselling. Ashley’s dad, Norman, was notified about Dylan and went to pick up Ashley. Jason arrived at Dorothy’s around 3 pm, but at the time he was under a no-contact order with Ashley. By then, more police and volunteers were arriving and fanning out. Hundreds of people were involved in the initial search. Neighbours were canvassed, none of whom saw anything particularly helpful; May 2020 was early days in the COVID pandemic and people were largely sticking close to home.
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It wasn’t something Jason and Ashley had ever imagined, the disappearance of their only son. But they were still surprised by the way things unfolded. To them, it felt disorganized, almost casual. People stood around talking, drinking coffee from takeaway cups — like the world hadn’t just stopped. Ashley and Jason were in a daze, unsure of how to respond. They stayed at Dorothy’s, awaiting instructions.
Jason said that search and rescue teams did not arrive until at least 6:30 p.m. Truro Police Services said that the first Ground Search and Rescue members were searching for Dylan by 3:40 p.m., and that they also deployed a combination of canine resources, local fire departments, Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, a helicopter, the Colchester Special Hazard Response Unit, swift water rescue, drone technology, thermal imaging technology, an underwater dive camera and the provincial dive team. But they didn’t issue an Amber Alert.
Almost immediately, police seemed to focus in on the creek, Lepper Brook, that runs behind Dorothy’s house. Their suspicions seemed to be confirmed when Dylan’s boots were found in the water several hours later. The first boot was found tangled in debris; the second in a partially submerged shopping cart. For many, the finding was definitive.
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After six days, police told Jason and Ashley that the search had been exhausted. They promised to try again in June or July. There were whispers about budget cuts. (A Truro police spokesperson said that the active search went on for five days involving a “huge amount” of resources, and that budgetary implications were not a concern.)
“We were so desperate, and the police were like, ‘your son drowned, go home,’” said Jason. “They were so quick to push us out the door. It’s ridiculous.”
Jason and Ashley have joined a strange and awful kinship of families of the indefinitely missing. The RCMP estimate that 70,000-80,000 Canadians are declared missing every year, though the vast majority of those cases are resolved within a week. (There are, of course, many people who disappear but, for a variety of reasons, are never officially reported missing.) According to Canada’s National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains, 52 per cent of all missing persons cases involve children or youth. Of all missing persons, only about 500 will remain missing after one year, and nine per cent of those still missing are children – that’s approximately 45 children every year who still haven’t returned to their families after a lengthy absence.
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Throughout their terrible ordeal, the months and now years since their child never came home, Jason and Ashley have grappled with every possible theory for his disappearance: That he was kidnapped by a stranger or even someone close to them. That his grandmother was part of some bigger, nefarious scheme. There were hundreds of smaller, more specific leads to chase — that someone was seen carrying a large duffel bag to another house on Elizabeth Street, and that a hole had been dug in the backyard.

Psychics have told them where to look for Dylan. They have received ransom notes from people claiming to have him, demanding $10,000 or $12,000 or three bitcoins, threatening to beat Dylan, to throw him out of a moving car. One note included pictures of bloodied and battered women, saying that Dylan would be next.
And then there are the boots. Jason wondered if they could have been tossed into the river by someone who snatched Dylan. How could anyone who has ever tried to walk down the street with a three-year-old believe that Dylan could have run a straight line, down the road, through a wooded area, and then into a creek? Jason’s twin brother, Justin, conducted his own experiment, dropping boots off a nearby bridge. He said they ended up in almost the exact same spot as Dylan’s boots.
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2021: One year gone
Truro is a former manufacturing town of just over 12,000 people about an hour from Halifax that until recently felt like its best days were behind it. A pandemic bump brought rising real estate prices and young families looking for a quieter life than rapidly growing Halifax. When I first met Jason and Ashley at their home in early April 2021, it was a month shy of the one-year anniversary of his May disappearance. He would have turned four on his birthday days later, on April 16.
Jason was antsy, with several days of stubble and a ballcap pulled tightly over his head. He kept opening the back door of the semi-detached trailer to blow smoke into the yard. Ashley was bird-like and weary, with long brown hair and light eyes that had the dullness of someone still waking up.
People were picking apart what they were wearing, their facial expressions
Alison Harris, lawyer
Their compact space suggested the turmoil, distraction and single-minded purpose of the past year. Laundry was piled up on the floor in front of machines stacked in a closet. In the living room there was a small bookcase shrine to Dylan, with framed photographs, a collection of his favourite books and the little grey boots that had been found in the water. In Dylan’s small room, his bed was topped with dozens of stuffed animals and the diaper bag his grandmother had been given the day that he went missing. Next to the bag was the harness that Dylan hadn’t been wearing.
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When police suspended the official rescue operation, Ashley and Jason floundered. The boots didn’t feel like enough to build closure around; they still didn’t really know what happened to Dylan. So, they started organizing their own searches, gathering every Saturday with a small group of supporters to progressively comb along the river. They were looking for scraps of Dylan’s clothing or some other sign of him. The unspoken goal was finding Dylan’s body — or whatever might be left at this point.

“You’re searching for any kind of hope, and it’s that uncertainty that’s one of the hardest things to deal with,” said Nopper, cofounder of Please Bring Me Home. Vedrana Mladina, a clinical psychologist and associate director of counseling at New York University, said that the lack of a body and the absence of any definitive confirmation of death or proof of life leaves families in a state of perennial grief. “Family members often refuse to openly mourn or memorialize the missing person out of discomfort and fear around metaphorically ‘killing’ them,” she said. “They choose to preserve hope.”
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Jason and Ashley created communities on Facebook — including one page that had almost 9,000 members —but it became difficult to secure real-time hands-on support. Seven people showed up to the first search they organized. And then, it only got harder. “One person said to me, maybe it’s because of all the missing people,” said Jason, meaning there were too many in the Truro area to look for. “But we’re not talking about men. A little boy didn’t just disappear.”
At first, Ashley and Jason felt like the community had their backs, but that would change. Ashley’s social media has been closely dissected. In a TikTok video that stirred considerable controversy, Ashley swapped out words from a popular song from the movie Frozen: “Do you want to build a snowman?” becomes “Do you want to hide a body?” Ashley has never even seen the movie; it was just something that people were doing online. But the post was made just a few days before Dylan went missing. “They just kind of linked that together and it was like, boom, she had something to do with it,” said Jason.
In June 2021, after a months-long legal battle, Jason and Ashley reached a partial settlement against two cyberbullies who oversaw a Facebook group with 17,000 members that viciously posited, among other scurrilous things, that Jason and Ashley were directly involved in Dylan’s disappearance.
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In addition to being harassed online, Ashley and Jason have been repeatedly followed and ambushed, their pictures taken and posted. Family members and friends have been scrutinized, and there have been unfounded allegations that Jason’s sister kidnapped Dylan. Not long after Dylan first went missing in 2020, one of the cyberbullies showed up at Ashley’s job detailing cars. A small memorial for Dylan next to the river was vandalized.
Alison Harris, the lawyer who took on Jason and Ashley’s cyberbullying case pro bono, said that Jason and Ashley had the expectation that everyone would rally around them, but that didn’t happen. “Losing a son, and then to not know what happened, I think it’s about the worst thing a parent could ever go through,” Harris said. “And then to have these fingers pointing at you and to have to deal with accusations. They’ve been forced into a defensive posture.”
By May 2021, the one-year anniversary of Dylan’s disappearance, Nova Scotia was in the middle of its worst COVID-19 outbreak, and the pandemic lockdowns made it hard to organize anything. Jason was feeling demoralized. “It almost feels like every door we try gets slammed in our face,” he said. But Jason and Ashley went ahead with their anniversary plan, floating small paper boats down Lepper Brook. It was attended by some local media and a small crowd of supporters.
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They had stepped up their foray into the merchandise of missing children, routinely wearing sweatshirts or T-shirts printed with Dylan’s image. They handed out blue-green rubber wristbands, ribbons and stickers — the colours chosen to represent Dylan’s eyes, one of which is half blue and half hazel. Jason turned a large medallion imprinted with an image of Dylan’s face into a necklace.

Jason was mostly going through the motions by this point. “I don’t know how we’re doing it really,” he said back then. “We’re just, we’re just doing it. We’re just pushing for Dylan because we don’t have answers and he needs some answers, some justice to be found. I don’t really know where we go from here. We just continue trying to find more resources and keep searching. What else do you do?”
He added: “I wish the cops would give more of a shit.”
By spring 2021, the relationship between Jason and the police had bottomed out. Jason was no longer permitted to attend periodic briefings on his son’s case. He said that when he went into the station to ask them to put up a poster, they refused but wouldn’t give him an explanation. He said he felt like they had developed personal animus towards him, resented his demands, and he was certain that had compromised his son’s investigation.
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Truro Police Services dispute Jason’s narrative about the poster and, in an email, accused Jason of posting “misinformation about his son’s disappearance and all attempts by police investigators to share information with him have led to him misconstruing facts. This misinformation has been harmful to the ongoing investigation.”
The search for Dylan had become clouded by a clash of personalities and a public referendum on whether Jason and Ashley were good people. When asked to comment on the search for Dylan, the head of Wings of Mercy, the rescue organization that provided Jason with his drone, demurred. Shane Michaels said he didn’t want to get caught up in “the politics” of Jason and Ashley’s world. Jason worried about how his public persona correlates with public support. Media reports have characterized him as combative. “I’m not an angry person. Never have been until my son went missing,” he said.
I wish the cops would give more of a shit
Jason Ehler
One July morning in 2021, Jason and Ashley and a small group of supporters set out for a march to the Truro police station. They convened at a wooded spot at the top of Elizabeth Street, the last place Dylan was seen. The sun was bright and the heat scorching. There were about two dozen attendees, many wiping beads of sweat from their brow as they smoked cigarettes.
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Jason and Ashley handed out bottled water from the trunk of their car, which had been decorated for the occasion. There were two small boots—the recurrent symbol of both lost and enduring hope — hanging off each back door. Supporters were holding handmade signs: Someone Knows Something; Re-Investigate Dylan Ehler’s Case; Let’s Bring Dylan Home; and Boots Are Not Enough.
The father of one of Jason’s friends, who had the deeply lined face and long grey curls of an aging folk singer, said he had tried to recruit people to come to the march, but without much success. “They all say they’re going to come on Facebook and then …”

Much of the crowd was comprised of strangers. Jay, the father of a three-year-old, heard about Dylan’s story through a friend. Kerry, grandmother to four little boys who lives in Halifax, broke down when asked why she was there. “This is it,” she said, gesturing to the ragtag parade. “They have been failed by the province. This should be on the news every day. Where is he? And who’s looking for him other than his dad?”
Jason and Ashley politely engaged with all of them, thanking them for coming and graciously accepting everyone’s suggestions and theories. One woman in a black T-shirt, her grey hair tied into a bun, described herself as an influencer and said that she knew Jason from social media. She recommended he put more content on TikTok. “It can’t hurt,” she said.
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The group ambled up the block, towards the police station. Some people were in cars, honking as they slowly drove; others used noisemakers typically reserved for celebrations. Most walked, and a couple of small kids were pulled in a wagon. A little girl about the same age as Dylan when he disappeared clutched a bald baby doll. The air smelled like coconut sunblock. Jason’s drone buzzed overhead.
The police station is a dignified red brick building on a public square. The group’s homemade signs were affixed to the front railings. Some people continued blowing their noisemakers. Jason stood alone, smoking on the station’s wide concrete steps, staring inside, as if daring the police to come out. “We know you’re in there,” one woman yelled.
When it became clear that the police were not going to come outside, the momentum started to die down. Norman, Ashley’s dad, was exasperated that they had been left alone to figure it out. What to do next? Which direction? “Every direction,” he said, derisively. It seemed like the only option—keep scrambling, searching, hoping, pleading. “People say you have to yell and scream or everyone will just forget,” Jason said.
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2022: Two years gone
Efforts to engage the community were further complicated after Jason was arrested and charged with fraud in January 2022. Jason was implicated in writing bad cheques in amounts ranging from $100 to $800 from a bank account belonging to a deceased person—the charges were unrelated to Dylan and were ultimately referred for restorative justice.
Ashley took to Facebook to beg for separation once again between any perceptions of her and Jason’s character and the search for their son. On top of the cyberbullying and the rift with police, these new charges were yet another distraction they didn’t need. “All I can say to all of you people still making groups and passing your judgements….when your time for tragedy comes (it will, tragedy comes to all of us) and when your mistakes are made, that your entire lives aren’t aired out to dry to the world, because you won’t deserve it,” she wrote in one post, not long after Jason’s arrest. “Can we please all refocus on DYLAN EHLER! Instead of judging, just come and help. Is talking behind a screen really the only contribution our community is capable of?” She tagged Jason in the post.
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Following Jason’s arrest, Dylan’s parents immediately got back at it, combing Truro for any trace of their son. January 22, 2022, marked the 100th search organized by Jason and Ashley, but the response was muted. They both had new matching tattoos of Dylan’s name in cursive alongside a daisy, his April birth flower, the expense covered by a donor. They were planning an early March rally in front of the provincial legislature in Halifax and appealing to a police commissioner to re-examine Dylan’s file. They were talking to their lawyer about a new cyberbullying case, claiming they had homed in on a handful of people who were largely responsible for the abuse. The clock continued ticking, the second anniversary of Dylan’s disappearance just around the corner.

Throughout the second year of Dylan’s disappearance, Jason’s desperation escalated. He was a constant presence on social media — posting on Facebook and uploading videos to TikTok and YouTube — where he invited people on his weekly searches and solicited theories about what might have happened to Dylan. He and Ashley continued to be targeted by online bullies, whispered about and side-eyed every time they walked into a room, they said.
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Jason, who had run-ins with the police before Dylan’s disappearance, continued to be maligned as volatile and indolent. Facebook pages continue to discuss his habits and character, including in a group called “The truth behind Jason Ehler!!!” A February 2022 post in “Jason Ehler: Topics and Discussions” (2,000 members) asks “Has Jason ever held down a job?” There are 31 comments, including suggestions that Jason is a drug addict and welfare cheat who has been stealing a child tax credit since Dylan disappeared. Some members tried to remain more objective. “Just because your [sic] an addict and on welfare,” wrote one, “does not prove anything about a child missing.”
A Facebook community of psychics popped up and offered their own visions of exactly what happened—the group has since been archived—and Jason engaged with them. On TikTok, Jason posted a reading with a “psychic investigator” named Mary Ann, who told him that Dylan had been kidnapped, was still alive, and that the police had done “a horrible job.” On YouTube, he waded through a watery underground cavern with Zelda, a psychic who suggested Dylan might have drowned there and recommended that Jason contact Dr. Phil and his crack team of researchers.
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Jason and Ashley were drifting apart, and eventually separated in mid-2022. She seemed tired, open to the idea that she might have to accept that life had simply handed them one of its worst possible punishments, that they might never know what happened to Dylan, and find a way to move on. Jason was both horrified by and judgmental. Abandoning the searches, allowing their gaze to drift elsewhere would be giving up on Dylan. But it wasn’t just that. He had so wholeheartedly embraced the public role of Dylan’s dad, the grieving father looking for his son, that it was hard to imagine him ever fully detaching from that identity.
2023: Three years gone
In February 2023, the Nova Scotia Police Review Board held hearings to address Jason and Ashley’s complaints that the investigation into Dylan’s disappearance was mismanaged. Jason appeared in a toque pulled snugly down over his ears, a spider tattoo visible on one hand; Ashley wore jeans and a sweater, her dark hair pulled up into a topknot. Over several days, the three-person board heard testimony about the search for Dylan — the six days of searching, the 18 hours of aerial surveillance, the unusually high and dangerous conditions of the Lepper Brook that spring day in May 2020.
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Jason and Ashley, represented by Harris, argued that the police had tunnel vision; that they focused on one theory: that Dylan had fallen into the water, at the expense of a robust investigation. In August, their complaint was dismissed in a detailed report. “We are satisfied that TPS arrived at the scene as quickly as possible; that they acquired the appropriate services within a reasonable time,” reads the report. “The Board appreciates the concern, sadness and disappointment the complainants have with the way things turned out in relation to the search for Dylan.” The Truro police noted that the case remains open.
By autumn 2023, the Dylan posters on the telephone polls in Halifax were faded and frayed, images of his chubby cherubic face weathered by Nova Scotia winters. Jason was now living in Port Elgin, New Brunswick, with a new girlfriend, Sara Fillmore. The pair had an unusual kinship. Sara’s husband, Tyler, also disappeared in 2017 when she was pregnant with their fifth child. He says that she, too, faced horrific accusations online as she fumbled through her grief and desperation.
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But she offered Jason the love and support he needed. Things with his family were strained. He was persona non grata in Truro. His online world was a battleground. The pair often exchanged floridly romantic public posts about their love and devotion and mutual strength. “Hi babe, just wanted to remind you, these stalkers and crazy people they are like this because they know they could never do what you do, they could never be as strong as you, they are jealous, point blank,” wrote Sara in a Facebook post. “I love you babe, I’ll always be right beside or behind you, wherever you need me.”

Still, the trauma and stress that dominated his life were palpable. In October 2023, on Facebook, he and Sara closely documented one of their searches along the banks of the Salmon River, where he said he pulled out a pair of camo pants resembling the ones Dylan was wearing the day he disappeared. Jason has a no-contact order imposed on him by the Truro police, except in case of emergencies, so he said they tried to take them to police in Sackville, N.B. But they refused to take them. Jason and Sara eventually made arrangements to get the pants to the Truro police, who followed up with a grid search. Nothing was found, Jason said. He ended up in hospital, on the verge of a breakdown.
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By October 2023, Jason sounded defiant but burned out. He spoke in the monotone of someone kept awake for days. He wasn’t ready to stop searching. He was critical of Ashley, her need to regain some semblance of normalcy, to grieve Dylan’s loss without demanding that the wound remain open.
I do think most people eventually give up… But they never have complete peace of mind.
David Worrell, private investigator
David Worrell, an ex-RCMP detective now working as a private investigator, who was briefly hired by Jason and Ashley, said that cases where bodies are never found are the toughest. “I do think most people eventually give up, when it’s been 20 years and no answers,” he said, “But they never have complete peace of mind. They will grab onto anything they can.”
2024: Nearly four years gone
In late January, Sara and Jason briefly broke up; their respective version of events played out in competing Facebook posts. Jason, alone again, needed love, needed money, needed people to help look for his son, and he kept coming up short.
Together again with Sara, Jason said they continue the search for Dylan along the waterways, sending all information to the police. He said he has expanded his grid search into the Bay of Fundy area.
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Jason once said that the thing that keeps him from stopping, and often from sleeping, is a short film that runs on a loop in his head: Dylan on that day in May 2020, alone, turning in circles, frantically looking for his grandmother but unable to find her. “Whether he went into the water or not, he was looking for help,” Jason said. It’s agony, living with the understanding that he hadn’t been there when Dylan needed him most.

It’s unclear whether Jason is looking today for a three-year-old Dylan who went into the water or met some other unfortunate fate, or an almost seven-year-old Dylan who is still out there somewhere — growing, learning, laughing his big full-mouthed laugh, and all without his dad. Jason seems to teeter back and forth, understandably tempted by a narrative that presents him with the possibility of saving his son. But everything remains confusing, haunting, demoralizing as he tries to forge some kind of path.
“The thought of finding him doesn’t get any easier,” Jason once said, his glassy eyes scanning the middle distance. “It gets harder as time goes on. It just gets harder.”
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