And, no surprise, he’s equally attentive with their kids. Though Bass chides Turchin for being the “pushover” to his “bad guy,” he acknowledged, “It’s really been cute watching him grow as a dad.”
So, when it comes to potentially expanding their family, “I would start my own orphanage,” Bass admitted. “I would love to have so many kids and bring in kids to help find them families.”
But he could be convinced to stop at just four.
“I’m still trying to talk him into it,” Bass admitted of growing their family, “if it’s having our own or I’ve always dreamt of adopting kids. So it’s gonna be interesting to see in the next 10 years where my life goes.”
Regardless if they say hi, hi, hi to more children or not, “I’m just excited to see what people they become,” Bass said. “I’m just trying to make good, nice kids to combat the craziness in this world right now.”
Having scaled back on work committments so he can “be there for every single moment and event” before they head off to kindergarten, said Bass, “I’m just trying to eat up every second I can until they start going off a lot and leaving me.”
For now, he added, “It’s just cute to see their personalities grow and grow.”