Cathay Cineplex has paid back S$12 million owed to landlords; remaining S$2.7 million is a quarter of total sum
mm2 Asia says slower-than-expected recovery of the cinema industry hit the cinema chain’s ability to pay its arrears on a ...
mm2 Asia says slower-than-expected recovery of the cinema industry hit the cinema chain’s ability to pay its arrears on a ...
MM2 Asia, which runs the cinema chain, is trying to resolve the matter while prioritising minimal disruption to business operationsCATHAY ...
MM2 Asia, which runs the cinema chain, is trying to resolve the matter while prioritising minimal disruption to business operationsCATHAY ...
SINGAPORE Airlines (SIA) : C6L 0%is said to be rewarding eligible employees with a profit-sharing bonus of 7.94 months for ...
ST Engineering : S63 0% posted an 18.1 per cent rise in group revenue to S$2.7 billion for the first ...
DBS : D05 0% chief executive officer Piyush Gupta has gained S$2.7 million after selling 75,000 of his shares in ...
SINGAPORE Airlines (SIA) : C6L 0% might post its highest-ever net profit of almost S$2.7 billion for FY2024 and reward ...
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